Sign up as a Team
Individuals looking to join a team - add your name to the "FREE AGENT" list (found under the "Member Menu")
Skips who need players or others looking for a team member can contact individuals on this list
Monday Night Open - 6:00 & 8:30 pm alternating starts
- Members sign up as a team for the season
- New this year - teams can be comprised of any combination of women and men
- Divisions allow teams to compete at their level; the League Convenor assigns teams to Divisions
- League Fee: $165 + hst
Tuesday Day Ladies - 9:00 am
- Members sign up as a team for the season
- League Fee: $135 + hst
Tuesday Night Men - 6:00 & 8:30 pm alternating starts
- Members sign up as a team for the season
- League Fee: $165 + hst
Wednesday Night Open - 6:00 & 8:30 pm alternating starts
- Members sign up as a team for the season (any combination of women and men)
- Divisions allow teams to compete at their level; the League Convenor assigns teams to Divisions
- League Fee: $165 + hst
Thursday Daytime Open - 8:55 am, 11:15 am & 1:45 pm alternating starts
- Members sign up as a team for the season (any combination of women and men)
- Divisions allow teams to compete at their level; the League Convenor assigns teams to Divisions
- League Fee: $165 + hst
Friday Early Open - 5:00 pm
- Members sign up as a team for the season (any combination of women and men)
- 6-end Games
- League Fee: $115 + hst
- Fall Schedule:
Saturdays - 9:00 - 10:30 am- CANCELLED- Sundays - 9:00 - 10:30 am
- Winter Schedule:
Saturdays - 9:00 - 10:30 am- CANCELLED- Sundays - 9:00 -10:30 am
- Players sign up as a team of 2 (any combination of men and women)
- Individuals looking for a teammate - add your name to the "FREE AGENT" list (found under the "Member Menu")
- Those looking for a team can contact individuals on this list
- Each team throws 5 stones each
- League Fee: $60 + hst
How to Play Doubles - Click here (it's for "Mixed" Doubles - the game is the same)