Note: Fees do not include tax; HST (13%) will be added.
"Welcome Back" is defined as an absence of TWO years or more. This option can only be used once.
1) Basic Adult Membership - $275 (+tax)
- The Basic Adult Membership Fee entitles members to sign up for leagues, clinics, spare, practice and rent lockers if available.
- Fees for selected leagues, clinics and for a locker must be added.
2) "Half-Season" Adult Membership - $160 (+tax)
- The "Half-Season" Adult Membership option entitles a member to play ½ a season (either the first half or the second half) with payment of the Half-Season Membership and League Fee(s) +tax. The "Half-Season" rate is only available for the Basic Adult Membership.
- A "Half Season" is defined as:
- the first day of the curling in Oct - mid Jan OR
- mid Jan - DOC (Day of Champions) - the last day of the curling season.
- To practice, spare or play in any leagues during the other ½ season for which you have not paid, the membership fee will be pro-rated.
3) Junior Program - $130 (+tax)
- 12-20 yrs at Dec. 31
- Click Here for program description
- Please note: The Junior Program Fee does not include playing in Adult Leagues.
To join both the Junior Program and play in Adult League(s) select the "Under 30" Membership category; then in League Selection select "Junior Program" and the desired League(s).
4) Little Rocks Program - $80 (+tax)
- 6-11 yrs at Dec. 31
- Click Here for program description
5) Adult Unlimited League Curling - $650 (+tax)
- Includes membership fee and all leagues fees including the Pick-Up League fees.
- Typically for members playing in 3 leagues or more.
- Locker rental and all clinics are an additional charge.
6) New or Welcome Back Member** - Unlimited League Curling - $375 (+tax)
- For members new to our club or members who are returning after an absence of at least two years. If you were a member in the last 2 years, this option does not apply.
- Includes membership fee and all league fees including the Pick-Up League fees.
- Locker rental and all clinics are an additional charge.
- ** "Welcome Back" can only be used once.
7) Under 30 Years of age - Unlimited League Curling - $300 (+tax)
- For members 29 years & under as of December 31.
- Includes membership fee, all leagues fees including the Pick-Up League fees and the Junior program (if applicable).
- Locker rental and all clinics are an additional charge.
8) New Member Friday Night only - $280 (+tax)
- For members NEW to our club.
- Includes membership fee and Friday Night league fee.
- Locker rental and all clinics are an additional charge.
9) *NEW* Learn-to-Curl / Rookie League Program only - $280 (+tax)
- Season-long program consists of 8 weeks of Training followed by League Play for the remainder of the season.
- Saturdays from 10 am - 12 noon; October 26 - April 5
- Replaces the Learn to Curl and Development Programs
- The League fee is included in the Membership Fee.
- Locker rental and all other clinics are an additional charge.
- Only select this membership category if not playing in other leagues.
- To join this program while playing in other leagues, select it under "Leagues".
- Click Here for more information.